My Spiritual Force
Music means the beginning to me. Beginning of universe, beginning of soul life. It makes me think about how it relates to our way and our destiny. Music is a way to change yourself and makes world better. Something that’s inspiring everyday. Explains things better even when human words just fail.

Music & Me
When I was 5 years old my father bought a tape recorder. He tried to record me playing musical pieces on piano. He picked out a music book and ask me to play something from there. That time I was not good at sight-reading music. So I just played the music straight from my head. I guess I can call that my first album. If only I could find a tape player nowadays to listen to it…
Some Short Facts
For a long time I was a classical trained pianist and played in a piano duet. I never thought I would be interested in jazz music. Moreover, those guys with golden saxophones seemed to me rather irritating. Now, jazz is one of my favorite music styles, and I have been writing jazz compositions for almost ten years. Though I never limit myself to jazz. It is never been a thing for me to write specifically in one style. In a way, my music leads me towards the direction it should be. You may call it jazz, you may call it something else. Music is what matters.
Even though music was my passion the whole life, at the age of seventeen I entered the university to study…information technologies, to obtain a degree in something “normal”. I am glad that after a while I understood that I cannot live without music and, later, I made it my profession.
There are plenty of things in life that inspire me to write music: nature, architecture, poetry, traveling. The idea to write in a trip though did not work for me the way I expected. When I was traveling for a long period in Italy and in Cyprus, I had a composer’s block. Probably, there were just too many emotions and experience I have got during that travel, so I had to wait until I am ready to process that into music. There is time to acquire knowledge and there is time to apply it. By the way, the topic of writer’s block is one of my research interest. If you ever had a block, feel free to connect with me and share your story.
Currently I am exploring the topic of interactions between jazz and tango, and it amazes me how the perception of music changes in time. When Piazzolla started to add some jazz flavor to his tangos, he got a lot of criticism for not playing in a “pure” tango manner. Later, he became an icon of “tango Nuevo”, a style he invented that mixed tango and jazz.